Lukot ja rakennushelat. Lukkorungot ja salvat. Mekaaniset lukkorungot, salvat ja vastalevyt. Vaatimukset ja testausmenetelmät
Building hardware. Locks and latches. Mechanically operated locks, latches and locking plates. Requirements and test methods
Standardin soveltamisala fi | |
Standardin soveltamisala en | This European Standard specifies requirements and test methods for durability, strength, security, and function of mechanically operated locks and latches and their locking plates for use in doors, window doors and entrance doors in buildings. Locks, latches and their locking plates used in fire resistant and/or smoke control door assemblies require additional attributes in order to comply with the Essential Requirement ”Safety in case of fire” either independently or as a part of a complete assembly. Additional requirements for locks and latches and their locking plates used on fire resistant and/or smoke control door assemblies are specified in annex A. The following locking devices and associated products are not covered by this European Standard: cylinders for locks, handles, electro-mechanically operated locks and striking plates, multi-point locks and their locking plates, locks for windows, padlocks, locks for safes, furniture locks and prison locks. NOTE A lock meeting this standard can at the same time be part of an exit device according to EN 179 or EN 1125. |
Soveltamisstandardi | |
Verkkokauppa | |
CENin julkaisupäivämäärä | 2003-12-10 |
SFS:n vahvistuspäivämäärä | 2004-02-16 |
Tekninen komitea | CEN/TC 33 |
Toimialayhteisö | RTT |
Standardointiryhmä | RTT/SR 002 Ovet ja ikkunat CEN/TC 33, RTT/SR 001 Lukot ja rakennushelat CEN/TC 33/ WG 4 |
Toimialayhdyshenkilö | Jenni Ilpala |
Tuoteryhmät | 91.190 |
90.035 | |
Lisätietoja | |
Verkkokauppa | |