Hakutoiminnon avulla voit etsiÀ rakennustuotteita koskevia harmonisoituja tuotestandardeja ja niihin liittyviÀ tietoja (mm. soveltamisala, standardeihin liittyvÀt kansalliset soveltamisstandardit, standardointiryhmÀ, tekninen komitea). Haku kohdentuu standardien otsikoihin, soveltamisaloihin ja standardien tietoihin. Voit myös rajata hakua suodattamalla toimialayhteisön tai teknisen komitean mukaan. MikÀli standardia on korjattu erillisellÀ korjausjulkaisulla (AC), hakutuloksiin listautuvat standardin lisÀksi korjaukset.

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Tulokset haulle " 212-81 Online Tests đŸ‘€ 212-81 Antworten ⛜ 212-81 Exam đŸ“Ș URL kopieren 《 》 Öffnen und suchen Sie  212-81  Kostenloser Download 🚟212-81 Online PraxisprĂŒfung "

SFS-EN 1/A1:en

Savukaasuhormilla ja höyrystyspolttimella varustettu öljyliesi Flued oil stoves with vaporizing burners Standardin soveltamisala fi Standardin soveltamisala en EN 1/prA1 covers all points to fulfil the requirements of mandate M/129 under

SFS-EN 40-4 + AC:en

…This European Standard specifies: a) performance related to the essential requirement of resistance to horizontal (wind) loads, measured in accordance with EN 40-3; b) performance under vehicle impact (passive safety)…

SFS-EN 40-5

…(wind) loads and performance under impact in support of the Essential Requirement No 4 Safety in use measured according to the corresponding test methods included in this European Standard or…

SFS-EN 40-6

…loads and performance under impact in support of the Essential Requirement No 4 Safety in use measured according to the corresponding test methods included in this European Standard or available…

SFS-EN 54-3:en

…is not intended to cover: a) loudspeaker type devices primarily intended for emitting emergency voice messages; b) supervisory sounders, for example, within the control and indicating equipment. Soveltamisstandardi Verkkokauppa CENin…

SFS-EN 54-5:2017 + A1:2018

…specifies the requirements, test methods and performance criteria for point heat detectors intended for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in and around buildings (see EN 54-1:2011)….

SFS-EN 54-7:2018:en

…scattered light, transmitted light or ionization, intended for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in and around buildings (see EN 54 1:2011). This European standard provides for…

SFS-EN 54-11:en

…test for manual call points in fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings. It takes into account indoor and outdoor conditions, the appearance and operation of the…

SFS-EN 54-23:en

…alarm devices that rely on software for their operation and to those that do not. This European Standard applies only to pulsing or flashing visual alarm devices, for example xenon…

SFS-EN 54-24

…for indoor use and type B, generally for outdoor use. This European Standard does not cover loudspeakers for special applications, for example loudspeaker for use in hazardous applications, if such…

SFS-EN 54-25:en

…methods and performance criteria for components used in fire alarms systems, installed in and around buildings, which use radio frequency links (RF links) to communicate. It also provides requirements for…

SFS-EN 179:2008

…exit under an emergency situation on escape routes. The suitability of an emergency exit device for use on smoke/fire-resisting door assemblies is determined by fire performance tests conducted in addition…

SFS-EN 295-1:en

…surface water and rainwater) under gravity and periodic hydraulic surcharge or under continuous low head of pressure. This standard also specifies requirements for rubber, polyurethane and polypropylene materials and other…

SFS-EN 295-4:en

…for buried drain and sewer systems for the conveyance of wastewater (including domestic wastewater, surface water and rainwater) under gravity and periodic hydraulic surcharge or under continuous low head of…

SFS-EN 295-5:en

…waste tips. They are also used for percolation into the ground. This standard specifies different strength classes and areas of perforations. NOTE 1 The specifiers/purchasers can select perforated pipes and…

SFS-EN 295-6:en

…domestic wastewater, surface water and rainwater) under gravity and periodic hydraulic surcharge or under continuous low head of pressure. It specifies different strength classes and heights of sections. It also…

SFS-EN 295-7:en

…wastewater (including domestic wastewater, surface water and rainwater) under gravity and periodic hydraulic surcharge or under continuous low head of pressure. Pipe jacking techniques include micro-tunnelling, pipe-eating, pipe bursting and…

SFS-EN 416-1:en

…incorporating a single burner system under the control of an automatic burner control system, referred to in the body of the text as ’appliances’. This standard is applicable to Type…

SFS-EN 416:2019:en

…single burner and multiple burner systems (referred to in the body of the text as the “system”) with each burner unit under the control of an automatic burner control system….

SFS-EN 459-1

…and plastering); – production of other construction products (for example calcium silicate bricks, autoclaved aerated concrete, concrete, etc.); – civil engineering applications (for example soil treatment, asphalt mixtures, etc.). It…

SFS-EN 520 + A1:en

…shear strength, fire resistance, impact resistance, direct airborne sound insulation and acoustic absorption to be measured according to the corresponding European test methods. If required, tests should be done on…

SFS-EN 588-2

…finish, geometrical characteristics, mechanical characteristics, acceptance tests, type tests and quality control requirements. NOTE Complete manholes or prefabricated elements may also be used for other purposes such as pumping stations,…

SFS-EN 621:en

…diverter; j) appliances fitted with more than one flue outlet; k) appliances that are designed for continuous condensation within the flue system under normal operating conditions; l) appliances having combustion…

SFS-EN 671-1

…on evaluation of conformity and marking of these products. Its requirements may apply in general for other applications, for example in marine applications or in aggressive environments, but additional requirements…

SFS-EN 671-2

…requirements may apply in general for other applications, for example in marine applications or in aggressive environments, but additional requirements may be necessary in such cases. Soveltamisstandardi Verkkokauppa CENin julkaisupäivämäärä…

SFS-EN 681-2:en

…pressure waste water discharge (intermittent flow up to 95°C) inside buildings; 2) thermoplastic piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage (continuous flow up to 45°C and intermittent flow up…

SFS-EN 771-3:2012 + A1:2015

…leaf to chimneys, cavity wall, partitions, retaining, and basement. They can provide fire protection, thermal insulation, sound insulation and sound absorption. This European Standard includes aggregate concrete masonry units of…

SFS-EN 771-4:2012 + A1:2015

…below ground level, including walling for fire protection, thermal insulation, sound insulation and the fabric of chimneys (excluding chimney flue units). This European Standard includes AAC masonry units with an…

SFS-EN 771-5 + A1:en

…suitable for all forms of coursed or random masonry walling, including single leaf, cavity, partition, retaining and the external masonry to chimneys. They can provide fire protection, thermal insulation, sound

SFS-EN 771-6:2012 + A1:2015

…provide fire protection, thermal insulation, sound insulation and sound absorption. This European Standard includes natural stone masonry units of an overall non-rectangular parallelepiped shape, specially shaped and accessory units for…

SFS-EN 777-1:en

…incorporated into a multi-burner system (called system D and referred to in the body of the text as the “system”) with each burner unit under the control of an automatic…

SFS-EN 777-2:en

…incorporated into a multi-burner system (called system E and referred to in the body of the text as the ’system’) with each burner unit under the control of an automatic…

SFS-EN 777-3:en

…heaters incorporated into a multi-burner system (called system F and referred to in the body of the text as the “system”) with each burner unit under the control of an…

SFS-EN 777-4:en

…incorporating two or more burner units with each burner under the control of an automatic burner control system, and operated by a single fan providing a single flue outlet, called…

SFS-EN 778:en

…continuous condensation within the flue system under normal operating conditions; l) appliances having Products Of Combustion Evacuation Ducts (POCED), that are non-metallic. This European Standard is applicable to appliances which…

SFS-EN 845-1:2013 + A1:2016

…they are part and is therefore not covered under the scope of this part of this European Standard. Soveltamisstandardi Verkkokauppa CENin julkaisupäivämäärä 2016-07-27 SFS:n vahvistuspäivämäärä 2016-08-05 Tekninen komitea CEN/TC 125…

SFS-EN 877:2021:en

…of gravity or vacuum discharge pressurized or unpressurised networks installed inside and/or outside works, above and/or below ground and in construction works. Soveltamisstandardi Verkkokauppa CENin julkaisupäivämäärä 2021-10-27 SFS:n vahvistuspäivämäärä 2021-11-05…

SFS-EN 969:2009

…external pipelines: – to convey air or combustible gases (e.g. natural gas or town gas) at pressures up to 16 bar; – to be installed below or above ground. NOTE…

SFS-EN 1020:en

…designed for continuous condensation within the flue system under normal operating conditions; k) appliances having combustion products evacuation ducts, POCEDs, that are non-metallic. This standard is applicable to appliances which…

SFS-EN 1057 + A1

Kupari ja kupariseokset. Saumattomat pyöreät kupariputket LVI-käyttöön Copper and copper alloys. Seamless, round copper tubes for water and gas in sanitary and heating applications Standardin soveltamisala fi Tämä eurooppalainen standardi…

SFS-EN 1123-1 + A1

…viemäröidään muuta jätevettä (esim. teollinen jätevesi), mikäli se ei vahingoita osia tai vaaranna henkilöstön turvallisuutta tai terveyttä. Standardin soveltamisala en This standard specifies requirements, tests and quality control for longitudinally…

SFS-EN 1123-1:en

…water systems. Part 1: Requirements, testing, quality control Standardin soveltamisala fi Standardin soveltamisala en This standard specifies requirements, tests and quality control for longitudinally welded, hot-dip galvanized steel pipes and…

SFS-EN 1124-1:en

…systems. Part 1: Requirements, testing, quality control Standardin soveltamisala fi Standardin soveltamisala en This European Standard specifies requirements, tests and quality control for longitudinally welded, stainless steel pipes and fittings…

SFS-EN 1125:2008

…panic situation on escape routes. The suitability of a panic exit device for use on fire/smoke resisting door assemblies is determined by fire performance tests conducted in addition to the…

SFS-EN 1158:en

…and mechanisms incorporated in door closers. Door coordinator devices are used where it is necessary to ensure the correct sequence of closing of double leaf swing doors, for example doors…

SFS-EN 1168 + A3

…during production or afterwards. Hollow core slabs can have provisions for thermal activation, heating, cooling, sound insulation, etc. Due to these provisions, the concrete temperature remains in it’s natural range….

SFS-EN 1319:en

…than one flue outlet; j) Type C22, C23, C42, C43, C52 and C53 appliances; k) appliances that are designed for continuous condensation within the flue system under normal operating conditions;…

SFS-EN 1337-5

under the characteristic combination of actions or which incorporate elastomeric pads larger than 1500 mm in diameter are beyond the scope of this document. Depending on the climatic region where…

SFS-EN 1337-8

Examples of combined bearings are given in Annex B. The minimum operating temperature depends on the materials’ properties used at the required temperature and the limitations given in the referenced…

SFS-EN 1338 + AC

…for unreinforced cement bound concrete paving blocks and complementary fittings. It is applicable to precast concrete paving blocks and complementary fittings for pedestrian use, vehicular use and roof coverings, e.g….

SFS-EN 1339 + AC

…soveltamisala en This European Standard specifies materials, properties, requirements and test methods for cement bound unreinforced concrete paving flags and complementary fittings. It is applicable to precast concrete paving flags…

SFS-EN 1340 + AC

…soveltamisala en This European Standard specifies materials, properties, requirements and test methods for unreinforced, cement bound precast concrete kerbs, channels and complementary fittings, that are particularly for use in external…

SFS-EN 1457-1:en

Savupiiput. Savi/keraaminen sisäputki. Osa 1: Vaatimukset ja koemenetelmät sisäputkille kuivissa käyttöolosuhteissa Chimneys. Clay/ceramic flue liners. Part 1: Flue liners operating under dry conditions. Requirements and test methods Standardin soveltamisala fi…

SFS-EN 1457-2:en

Savupiiput. Savi/keraaminen sisäputki. Osa 2: Vaatimukset ja koemenetelmät sisäputkille märissä käyttöolosuhteissa Chimneys. Clay/ceramic flue liners. Part 2: Flue liners operating under wet conditions. Requirements and test methods Standardin soveltamisala fi…

SFS-EN 1463-1:en

Tiemerkintämateriaalit. Heijastavat tiemerkintänastat. Osa 1: Uuden tuotteen toiminnalliset vaatimukset Road marking materials. Retroreflecting road studs. Part 1: Initial performance requirements Standardin soveltamisala fi Standardin soveltamisala en This European Standard specifies…

SFS-EN 1504-7

…reinforcement and embedded steel in concrete structures under repair. This standard does not cover products for corrosion protection of pre-stressing steels and stainless steels. Soveltamisstandardi Verkkokauppa CENin julkaisupäivämäärä 2006-08-23 SFS:n…

SFS-EN 1520

…and encasing function, components can also be used to provide fire resistance, sound insulation and thermal insulation. Components covered by this European Standard are only intended to be subjected to…

SFS-EN 1873:2006

…This European Standard applies to roof lights with a rectangular or circular ground plan (see Figures 1 and 2), with an opening span (width) or diameter not larger than 2,5…

SFS-EN 1916 + AC

under gravity or occasionally at low head of pressure, in pipelines that are generally buried. Soveltamisstandardi SFS 7033 Verkkokauppa CENin julkaisupäivämäärä 2002-10-23 SFS:n vahvistuspäivämäärä 2003-05-19 Tekninen komitea CEN/TC 165…

SFS-EN 1916/AC:en

…egg-shaped bore, for which the main intended use is the conveyance of sewage, rainwater and surface water under gravity or occasionally at low head of pressure, in pipelines that are…

SFS-EN 1935 + AC:en

…The suitability of single axis hinges for use on fire/smoke compartmentation door assemblies is determined by performance tests conducted in addition to the performance tests required by this European Standard….

SFS-EN 12094-6:en

…Standardin soveltamisala fi Standardin soveltamisala en This European Standard specifies requirements and test methods for non-electrical disable devices for CO2, Inert gas- or Halocarbon gas fire extinguishing systems. Examples are:…

SFS-EN 12101-7

…and their associated components (for example, hangers and other items proven at the time of testing), which are intended to be installed in such systems in buildings. It also provides…

SFS-EN 12259-1 + A1:en

…Standard specifies requirements for construction and performance of sprinklers which are operated by a change of state of an element or bursting of a glass bulb under the influence of…

SFS-EN 12259-4/A1:en

…in automatic sprinkler systems complying with EN 12845:1997 and water spray systems conforming EN xxxx. Type approval tests and a recommended test schedule for type approval testing are also given….

SFS-EN 12259-4:en

…12259-9 used in automatic sprinkler systems complying with EN 12845 and water spray systems conforming to the relevant European Standard. Type approval tests and a recommended test schedule for type…

SFS-EN 12259-5:en

…en This European standard specifies requirements for construction and performance and tests for water flow detectors for use in wet pipe automatic sprinkler systems conforming to EN 12845 «Fixed firefighting…

SFS-EN 12271

…European Standard does not apply to small areas of surface dressing on roads that are less than 500 m2 which are not contiguous (for example patch repair surface dressing especially…

SFS-EN 12273:en

…than 500 m2 which are not contiguous (for example minor repairs). This European Standard does not apply to slurry surfacing designed by the purchaser. This European Standard is not applicable…

SFS-EN 12285-2

…for the aboveground storage of flammable and non-flammable water polluting liquids Standardin soveltamisala fi Soveltamisala Tätä standardia sovelletaan tehdasvalmisteisiin maanpäällisiä sylinterimäisiin makaaviin yksi- ja kaksois-vaippaisiin terässäiliöihin, joissa varastoidaan syttyviä ja…

SFS-EN 12380

Viemäreiden alipaineventtiilit. Vaatimukset, testausmenetelmät ja yhdenmukaisuuden arviointi Air admittance valves for drainage systems. Requirements, tests methods and evaluation of conformity Standardin soveltamisala fi Tämä eurooppalainen standardi määrittää standardien EN 12056-2…

SFS-EN 12467:2012 + A2:2018

…Products covered by this European Standard can be used for other purposes provided they comply with the relevant application standard, e.g. rigid underlays. This European Standard covers sheets reinforced with…

SFS-EN 12566-3 + A2

…small wastewater treatment plants for use buried in the ground where no vehicle loads are applied to the product. This European Standard applies to plants where all prefabricated components are…

SFS-EN 12566-6:en

…packaged and/or site assembled secondary treatment units for use on the top of the ground (outside the building) or buried in the ground where no vehicle loads are applied to…

SFS-EN 12566-7:en

…may come from existing systems. Package and/or site assembled tertiary treatment units according to this standard consist of one or more watertight tanks without any direct infiltration into the ground,

SFS-EN 12591:en

underlined that paving grade bitumens, specified according to this European Standard, can also be used for industrial applications. Soveltamisstandardi Verkkokauppa CENin julkaisupäivämäärä 2009-04-15 SFS:n vahvistuspäivämäärä 2009-10-12 Tekninen komitea CEN/TC 336…

SFS-EN 12602:2016

…resistance, sound insulation and thermal insulation indicated in the relevant clauses of this European Standard. Components covered by this standard are only intended to be subjected to predominantly non-dynamic actions,…

SFS-EN 12676-1 + A1

…standard specifies the characteristics of an anti-glare system in terms of their optical effectiveness and the mechanical performance of its elements. Performance criteria are specified in relation to tests provided…

SFS-EN 12676-1/A1:en

…system in terms of their optical effectiveness and the mechanical performance of its elements. Performance criteria are specified in relation to tests provided in the accompanying EN: Anti-Glare Systems –…

SFS-EN 12859:en

sound insulation; – release of dangerous substances; to be measured according to the corresponding European test methods, as well as: – thermal resistance to be calculated from the thermal conductivity…

SFS-EN 12860 + AC:en

…reaction to fire ; – release of dangerous substances ; measured according to the corresponding European test methods. It defines the reference tests for technical specifications. It provides for the…

SFS-EN 12878

…of chromium, titanium and manganese; – complex inorganic pigments, for example combinations of the above mentioned metal oxides and hydroxides with cobalt, aluminium, nickel and antimony oxides and hydroxides; –…

SFS-EN 12899-1

…e.g. using light emitting diodes (LED), or fibre optics; c) variable message signs; d) signs used for temporary purposes; e) foundations; f) tests for extremely low temperatures. Soveltamisstandardi Verkkokauppa CENin…

SFS-EN 12899-2:en

…recommendations. Structural requirements for TTBs include performance under static and dynamic loading. Provision is made for safety in use, including vehicle impact. Devices of similar function, but without transillumination or…

SFS-EN 12899-3

…and retroreflective properties are specified taking into account CIE recommendations. Structural requirements include performance under static and dynamic loading. Provision is made for safety in use, including vehicle impact. To…

SFS-EN 12966-1 + A1:en

…some electro mechanical means they can show various messages. NOTE 1 For example rotating prism signs, roller blinds. – discontinuous signs create messages using individual elements that can be in…

SFS-EN 13055-1 + AC

…Gesteinskörnungen für Füller fest, die durch Aufbereitung natürlicher, industriell hergestellter oder rezyklierter Materialien und deren Mischungen gewonnen werden, und für Betone, Mörtel und Einpressmörtel, die in Gebäuden, Straßen und Ingenieurbauten…

SFS-EN 13055-2

Kevytkiviainekset. Osa 2: Kevytkiviainekset asfalttimassoihin ja pintauksiin sekä sitomattomiin ja sidottuihin käyttötarkoituksiin Lightweight aggregates. Part 2: Lightweight aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments and for unbound and bound applications…

SFS-EN 13063-1 + A1

…Standard specifies the requirements and test methods for multiwall soot fire resistant system chimneys, working under dry conditions, with corrosion resistance 3, with negative pressure (see EN 1443) in which…

SFS-EN 13063-2 + A1:en

Savupiiput. Elementtisavupiippujen savi/keraamiset savuhormit. Osa 2: Vaatimukset ja koemenetelmät kosteissa olosuhteissa Chimneys. System chimneys with clay/ceramic flue liners. Part 2: Requirements and test methods under wet conditions Standardin soveltamisala fi…

SFS-EN 13101

Kaivojen askelraudat. Vaatimukset, merkintä, testaus ja yhdenmukaisuuden arviointi Steps for underground man entry chambers. Requirements, marking, testing and evaluation of conformity Standardin soveltamisala fi Tämä standardi määrittelee kaivojen sekä muiden…

SFS-EN 13162 + A1

…are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards. Products with a declared thermal resistance lower than 0,25 m2?K/W or a declared thermal conductivity greater than 0,060 W/(m?K) at 10…

SFS-EN 13163 + A1

…specifies product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, evaluation of conformity, marking and labelling. Products covered by this European Standard are also used for sound insulation and in prefabricated thermal…

SFS-EN 13164 + A1

found in regulations or non-conflicting standards. Products with a declared thermal resistance lower than 0,25 m²?K/W or a declared thermal conductivity greater than 0,060 W/(m?K) at 10 ?C are not…

SFS-EN 13165:2013 + A2:2016

…required for a given application are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards. Products with a declared thermal resistance lower than 0,25 m2·K/W or a declared thermal conductivity greater…

SFS-EN 13166:2013 + A2:2016

…to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The levels required for a given application are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards. Products with a declared thermal…

SFS-EN 13167:2013 + A1:2015

…fitness for purpose in a particular application. The levels required for a given application are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards. Products with a declared thermal resistance lower…

SFS-EN 13168 + A1

…by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The levels and classes required for a given application are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards….

Tulokset haulle " 212-81 Online Tests đŸ‘€ 212-81 Antworten ⛜ 212-81 Exam đŸ“Ș URL kopieren 《 》 Öffnen und suchen Sie  212-81  Kostenloser Download 🚟212-81 Online PraxisprĂŒfung "