Lukot ja rakennushelat. Ovikoordinaattorit. Vaatimukset ja testausmenetelmät
Building hardware. Door cordinator devices. Requirements and test methods
Standardin soveltamisala fi | |
Standardin soveltamisala en | This European Standard specifies requirements for door coordinator devices for double leaf swing doors fitted with door closers, and includes both separately mounted devices and mechanisms incorporated in door closers. Door coordinator devices are used where it is necessary to ensure the correct sequence of closing of double leaf swing doors, e.g. doors with rebated meeting stiles. Door coordinator devices manufactured in accordance with this European Standard are recommended for use wherever there is a requirement for reliable sequential closing of double leaf swing fire/smoke doors incorporating rebated meeting stiles. |
Soveltamisstandardi | |
Verkkokauppa | |
CENin julkaisupäivämäärä | 2002-12-18 |
SFS:n vahvistuspäivämäärä | 2003-03-10 |
Tekninen komitea | CEN/TC 33 |
Toimialayhteisö | RTT |
Standardointiryhmä | RTT/SR 002 Ovet ja ikkunat CEN/TC 33, RTT/SR 001 Lukot ja rakennushelat CEN/TC 33/ WG 4 |
Toimialayhdyshenkilö | Jenni Ilpala |
Tuoteryhmät | 91.190 |
90.035 | |
Lisätietoja | AVCP: 1 |
Verkkokauppa | |