Bitumi ja bitumiset sideaineet. Kationisten bitumiemulsioiden laatuvaatimukset
Bitumen and bituminous binders. Framework for specifying cationic bituminous emulsions
Standardin soveltamisala fi | |
Standardin soveltamisala en | This European Standard specifies the requirements for performance characteristics of cationic bituminous emulsion classes which are suitable for use in the construction and maintenance of roads, airfields and other paved areas. This European Standard applies to emulsions of bitumen, or of fluxed bitumen, or of cut back bitumen and to emulsions of polymer modified bitumen, or of polymer modified fluxed bitumen, or of polymer modified cut-back bitumen, which also includes latex modified bituminous emulsions. Within Europe several types of cationic bituminous emulsions are used. Depending on traditional practices, different binder contents may be used for the same purpose. When designing a specification for a particular application, care should be taken to make class selections which are compatible and realistic. NOTE For the purposes of this European Standard, the term “% (m/m)” is used to represent the mass fraction. |
Soveltamisstandardi | |
Verkkokauppa | |
CENin julkaisupäivämäärä | 2013-05-08 |
SFS:n vahvistuspäivämäärä | 2013-12-09 |
Tekninen komitea | CEN/TC 336 |
Toimialayhteisö | SFS |
Standardointiryhmä | SFS/SR 159 Bitumi ja bitumiset sideaineet |
Toimialayhdyshenkilö | Virpi Nummisalo |
Tuoteryhmät | 91.100.50 |
93.080.20 | |
90.071 | |
Lisätietoja | AVCP-luokka 2+ kaikki tuotteen käyttökohteet |
Verkkokauppa | |